Importance of Social Skills Your Child Should Learn Early On in Life

2 min readJan 28, 2022


What can I do to make my child more confident when they interact with other people? What should I do so that my child does not feel shy and makes better connections? We as parents and teachers often have these questions leaving us wondering what could we possibly do to improve our child’s social skills ? Let us learn about the importance of social skills.

What are social skills? What qualities do they include?

Social skills are skills that promote effective interactions with others. There are various social skills as well as several ways in which we interact with people on a daily basis. Social skills include written, verbal, nonverbal and visual interaction used to relay a message to others. Common ways in which you exercise your social skills are:

  • The language you use
  • Cooperating and coordinating in a team
  • Organization skills
  • The way you manage small or big interactions with strangers
  • Your body language
  • Eye contact with others when interacting

How does having good social skills benefit my child?Better educational and career outcomes:

Most recent studies found that children who were better at social skills like sharing, listening, cooperating, and following the rules at age five were more likely to go to a good college. They also were more likely to be employed full-time by age 25.

Good social skills also can help kids have a brighter future. According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, a child’s social and emotional skills in kindergarten and middle school might be the biggest predictor of success in adulthood.

Children, when they learn important life skills early on in life they inculcate discipline in themselves and achieve a growth mindset which gives them the desired results.





Written by CueKids


CueKids l Body Language 👩‍🎓 Skill Building Programs for kids 💁 Personality Development 👥Responsible Parenting Sessions 🧒 Age grp 7-12yrs

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